Möt deltagarna: Joby Joseph

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4 november 2021

Deltagarna i höstens omgång av Boost Chamber är nu halvvägs in i programmet. Förra veckan samlades alla för att under ett tvådagars boot camp på DoSpace bland annat jobba med sina värdeerbjudanden och kundverifieringar. Joby Joseph, hemmahörande i Sandviken och med en bakgrund inom informationsteknologi, var på plats och berättar här om sitt deltagande i programmet:

Berätta om den idé du ska utforska i Boost Chamber?

– Application development is hard, time consuming and expensive. By reducing the amount of coding,  and promoting reuse, application development can become a lot easier, quicker and more economical thereby making digitalisation more accessible for businesses of all sizes. The idea is a to build a digital platform which enables pretty much anyone (preferably with some IT education) to be a part of software development for the web. Unlike the other no/ low code solutions in the market which are only suitable for simple use cases, this platform will seamlessly extend from no-code to low-code to full stack development. Reuse is inherent in the platform and with a distributed developer/ contributor network, the platform can grow very fast.

Vilka är dina förhoppningar med ditt deltagande?

-Expectation is to get access to the proven methodology of validating the idea and broaden the business network. My goal is to get the idea validated and gain traction through improved visibility and networking.

Vad har programmet bjudit på för insikter hittills?

– Good start with the customer segmentation and value proposition canvas.